well hello hello hello! i just got home a little while ago from covering the red carpet premiere of the latest mike white outing year of the dog which lands in theaters (select cities for now) next friday april 13th (spooky day!) i was thrilled to discover i had my very own spot along the red carpet (yes i had to snap a picture of it!) plus since there was a lot of waiting around time i met some really nice people and overall everyone got along – i was right beside LAist which is one of the best los angeles themed blogs around!
there were a bunch of celebs in attendance including drew barrymore, lea thompson, judy reyes, shondrella avery, jack black, ben stiller & wife christine taylor, wilson cruz and of course cast members molly shannon (so adorable in person and way animated – i love her!) laura dern (the one person i had a great question for (about this film vs. INLAND EMPIRE) but alas time grew short by the end), josh pais, amy & zoe schlagel (the cutest twin girls ever who shared the part of ‘lizzie’) and of course the man of the hour the incredibly talented mike white who wrote the film and also made his directorial debut! everyone talked about him – it’s one of those ‘when mike calls you simply say yes’ type of situations! i had the chance to screen the film last week – i completely loved it – go ahead and read my glowing review! ms. shannon totally deserves an award – i’m gunning for an independent spirit award!

finally the truly best part of the evening was meeting lisa marie – she’s the white pitbull pictured below – she’s two years old and was found on the streets and is now unfortunately deaf from being badly abused – i had my eye on her and when i went to go meet her – ms. lisa laid down immediately and was all ‘rub my belly’ – i swear she was one of the sweetest dogs i’ve met in quite some time! she’s up for adoption through best friends animal society which is a local animal rescue organization (i would’ve totally taken her but the one thing is she doesn’t get along with other dogs but with everyone else lisa marie is a total lamb!)
i was really happy to see that the good folks over at paramount vantage thought to bring in a bunch of local animal organizations to attend the premiere and perhaps find their adorable doggies a new family – i was so glad to be able to cover the hollywood premiere! this film is like like the perfect pop storm here on popbytes…the stars have aligned – dogs – mike white – molly shannon – laura dern?!? oh my word – who could ask for anything more? people who send me pitches know i can be overly picky but when something like year of the dog comes across my plate – i’m all over it! i’ve even got another post up my sleeve planned around this film so please stay tuned! popbytes over & out for tonight…xxoo!