hey hey! i’m super excited because this coming thursday (april 24th) i’ve been invited to a special portishead rehearsal session as the english trip-hop band (join them on myspace) preps to play at the upcoming coachella music festival and they’re finally releasing their new album third after a ten year delay on april 29th! hands down one of my top albums of all-time is dummy which the band released back in 1994 (the year i graduated from high school) lead singer beth gibbons vocals are hauntingly beautiful and goose bump inducing! the best part is that i’ve been given three pairs of tickets that are now up for grabs here on popbytes! all you have to do is email me at mk@popbytes.com (between now and late tuesday evening) please make sure you live in los angeles and don’t already have plans for thursday night! i think it’s going to be an amazing & intimate experience with some kick-ass music plus one of my dearest friends will be in town from NYC – the evening promises to be good times all around! i will be randomly selecting the winners who will be contacted soon with all the exact details (the band’s rehearsal will take place between 7-9pm-ish) below you can also watch the video for portishead‘s first single off the album called machine gun – a stellar track – i totally can’t wait to hear more new material! popbytes over & out for now…xxoo!
enter to win a pair of tickets to a special private portishead rehearsal as they prepare to headline this year’s coachella music festival and release their hugely-anticipated cd, third, their first album in 10 years, in stores april 29th.the exclusive rehearsal will be held in los angeles on april 24th. further details to be delivered to winner…