Earlier this month, there was a bit of a kerfuffle over a photo of 13 year-old Willow Smith lying in bed (clothed, in all fairness) with a shirtless dude in his twenties. It was one of those things that was just a little bit too risque, and when the public called Will and Jada Pinkett Smith out on it, Jada basically reacted by telling them to f*ck off and calling them perverts. Surprisingly, that response didn’t do much to sway people, and now they’re being investigated by Child Protective Services.
“The investigation was formally opened last week and is being taken very seriously by the department,” an insider told Radar. “Will and Jada Pinkett Smith have been extremely cooperative with officials. Of course, they aren’t happy that their parenting skills are under scrutiny, but they understand.” The source revealed, “Social workers will also be talking separately with Willow, and they also want to talk to the young man in the picture with her as well. This won’t just be one or two visits with the family, and it will likely be an open investigation for at least a month, out of an abundance of caution.” SOURCE
I’m sure the whole thing will blow over, and it’ll teach Will and Jada to be a little more diligent about setting boundaries for their kids. I say this as someone who has zero kids, but roughly about thirty or so young’uns my partner and I mentor on a regular basis: The most important word you can use as a parent or otherwise is “NO”. You are not your kids best friend. Someday, when they’re older and they have families and kids of their own? Sure? Absolutely. But until that happens, it’s your job to NO them on all the bullsh!t they think they can do. For example …
“NO, you are not jumping into bed with a shirtless 20-year-old for a photoshoot.”
“NO, I am not going to buy you a movie career. Go to acting school, do some auditions and book your own projects.”
“NO, you cannot just let your kids do whatever they want to, because kids are morons. Teach them how not to be morons.”