Yesterday, reports ciruclated that Will.I.Am was suing Pharrell because the latter was trying to “i am OTHER” brand. Turns out, William allegedly owns the copyright on the phrase “I AM” because that’s totally the kind of thing a douchey, opportunistic marketing whore would do. Somewhere out there, Kim Kardashian threw a vase across the room while screaming “WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THAT?!” Anyway, Will.I.Am is setting the record straight by telling everyone he’s not suing anyone.
i.am not suing @Pharrell & I NEVER WAS.. What i.am doing is… #iamSCHOLARSHIP sending kids to school debt free. go2 http://t.co/yAye0SpV9h
— will.i.am (@iamwill) June 26, 2013
i.am not suing @Pharrell & i never was. what i.am doing is #iamHOME helping families keep their homes… see http://t.co/n7GOlWnV5T
— will.i.am (@iamwill) June 26, 2013
i.am not suing @Pharrell and I never was… what i.am doing is #iamangel TRANS4Ming inner cities with #STEAM tools… http://t.co/n7GOlWnV5T
— will.i.am (@iamwill) June 26, 2013
Oh gawd, even when he’s trying to be a philanthropist, the guy is still a smarmy douche. Seriously, remember when people just did charity work? The dude is trying to brand his name over good deeds. I get that the ends kinda justifies the means, but there’s something about using charity work to further your brand that completely irks me. I just think it’s tacky and distasteful in every possible way. To be fair, that describes Will.I.Am’s music, so it kinda seems fitting doesn’t it?