At last! A post about Kim Kardashian that isn’t about her big fake divorce! It’s just a story put out by Kim to distract everyone from her big fake divorce. Progress I suppose? Anyway, Kim has enlisted the help of some security guards after “someone” made threats to kidnap her, and if you can’t tell it’s Kim at this point, did you know drinking lead paint turns you into Superman? It’s true! Media Takeout reports:
MediaTakeOut just learned that security on the set of Tyler Perry’s new film The Marriage Counselor is EXTRA HEAVY. That’s because we’ve EXCLUSIVELY learned that producers have received what are being called “CREDIBLE THREATS” towards Kim Kardashian’s life and safety. One threat in particular, a KIDNAPPING THREAT, is being taken particularly seriously. According to an insider, Kim will be flanked AT ALL TIMES by ARMED bodyguards. Added security is also expected to be provided to her mother Kris, who is on set also. It’s not exactly clear WHO made the threat, or what was said. But EVERYONE on the set is on edge with all the added security around!
So Kim just spread a false rumor about how someone is trying to kidnap her, using some of that wedding money to buy added security personnel, and then dropped the story to the press in order to take attention off the fact that she faked a wedding for attention. I’m not saying this is exactly what happened, but consider these two very important facts: first, someone offered to make Kim disappear from the spotlight and they are being treated as something other than a goddamn hero, second, it’s Kim Kardashian. ‘Nuff said.