When you consider the fact that Anderson Cooper is (A) rich, (B) hot, (C) has a steady job and home, and (D) is Anderson Cooper, you’d figure that no one would cheat on him. EVER. BECAUSE HE’S ANDERSON COOPER. Anyway, RadarOnline is now alleging that photos showing Anderson’s boyfriend, Ben Maisani, kissing a guy in the park means that he’s cheating, although let’s take a look at all the ways that could be wrong … (SEE THE PICTURES FOR YOURSELF)
Anderson Cooper’s boyfriend Ben Maisani was snapped kissing another man in a New York park, and we’ve got the photos right here for you on RadarOnline. In the shots, Maisani is sitting on the grass in a New York park trading kisses with a dark-haired hunk. Cooper came out just more than a month ago, saying in a statement, “The fact is, I’m gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be more happy.” The well-paid CNN news anchor, 45, has been in a relationship with Maisani, 39, for several years, and they reportedly live together in Cooper’s Manhattan townhouse, a converted fire station.
Here are a few things that you need to understand: first, kissing another guy on the mouth is like a gay handshake. And if it wasn’t, I doubt the guy would be doing it in public where anyone could see him since everyone knows who he is. (That’s Kristen Stewart‘s move, bitch!) Second, the rules in their relationship aren’t exactly known to us, so who knows? Maybe this is a-okay for the both of them. Open relationships are kinda the new thing these days, and they actually work out more often that you’d think. This is all to say that you probably shouldn’t jump to conclusions just because you see two dudes mouth kissing in the park.