Remember Vanilla Ice? He was a famous rapper back in the 90’s, he did a rap about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (please tell me I’m not the only one who had “GO NINJA GO NINJA GO!” stuck in his head for a month as a child). Anyway, considering his status as a one-hit wonder and has-been, he has a couple words for Justin Bieber, saying that someone younger and cuter is just going to end up replacing him when (if?) puberty sets in.
“So my prediction about Justin Bieber is that he’s going to go through one of those weekends that lasts a few years because he’s had such success as a child act,” says Rob Van Winkle (aka Vanilla Ice). “You know, then something else new will come along and he’ll be forgotten and he can try to put all the pieces back together, so it’s going to be entertaining to watch.” SOURCE
Considering that Beliebers will routinely try to set you on fire should you say so much as a cross breath towards there precious, precious fixation, so I can only imagine that there is a squadron of angry, delusional tweens camped outside of whatever Vanilla Ice lives in (trailer? I want to say?) with pitchforks and torches and – HA! Just kidding. No one under the age of twenty-five knows what those things are. What’s the modern day equivalent? Trying to Tweet someone to death? Yeah, that sounds right.