well hello there! this vanessa minnillo character is having her fair shake of drama & partying as of late! the ET correspondent and MTV TRL host has been swept into the gossip spotlight over the past few months – i think rumors & chatter started to hit big when she appeared in nick lachey’s what’s left of me video and is now apparently nick’s main honey & girlfriend but it’s rumored that her on fuego personal life is interfering with the dayjob…
STAR magazine is reporting this week that entertainment tonight producers linda bell blue and brad bessey flew in from LA to have a little sit down chat with with ms. minnillo at the ritz-carlton in NYC (who was there with mr. lachey…jessica simpson happened to be in town too that day and showed up at the same hotel hours later sporting a very similiar get-up as vanessa…) a source for the magazine said they told her that her relationship with nick isn’t good for the show, and how often do you hear about the personal lives of mary hart or lara spencer (gosh poor mary & lara!) bessey is denying any troubles with vanessa to STAR…
who really knows what was said behind close doors but the main things vanessa needs to keep in mind is to be careful – take it slow and don’t mess up the career…ok yeah i might fuck up my job to be doing nick but ‘everything’ is still so fresh (the ink is barely dry on those divorce papers below) BUT then again who really watches ET? i much prefer extra & access hollywood so maybe she should get more wild & crazy – gosh maybe she can be ousted like star jones – jeez that stunt actually could bring ET some viewers! anyways let’s not go all sophie’s choice on this one…everyone just needs to calm themselves down – including vanessa! popbytes over & out – xxoo!