What would we do without Star magazine’s Stars Without Makeup feature they run every few months? This probably sells more issues at the grocery store than all the Brangelina and Jennifer Aniston rumors combined! We can always use a light-hearted dose of ‘celebrities, they’re just like us’ reminders! This time we’ve got Jennifer Lopez, Kirstie Alley (who has been kicking ass on Dancing With The Stars, I hope she wins!), Teri Hatcher, and Meg Ryan on the cover, and the guess who is Heidi Klum (that was an easy one). The magazine should try to find more current pictures, they’re all fairly old, especially the one of J. Lo! Besides celebs sans makeup, there’s gossip on Kim Kardashian, Kate Hudson, and American Idol contestant James Durbin, who feels like a total Adam Lambert rip-off. Don’t get me started on this season of Idol, I have nothing nice to say, I just can’t wait for it all to be over in about three weeks!