oh what a day! traffic has been good (thanks to props from ms. miu over at socialitelife.com) – and we are soon past this monday! and i figured while i got a bunch of you here – i had to let you know that my musical goddess (since ’92) tori amos just released her video for the song sweet the sting from her latest brilliant sonic masterpiece the beekeeper – you can download it below – the song is so chill and funky, tori looks stunning as always – so please do check it out! and actually popbytes will be seeing tori play in both santa barbara & los angeles in september – so i am now counting down the days – these will be concerts #20 and #21 – those are very small numbers compared to some hardcore tori fans (people have seen her over 500 times – god bless ’em) – but i feel good about 20+ concerts – some people don’t get her – but for the lucky ones that do – you know exactly what i mean! much love to you all – please do come back – popbytes loves the company and i am doing this all for the sheer love of all things pop – and note to tori – keep on doing your thing – and i will be seeing you in sept! popbytes out for now! xxoo!
download sweet the sting (windows media player – 15mb)
more tori amos on popbytes…

tori amos on ‘sweet the sting’
This can be a place of being able to confront something that’s out of balance. And it’s an ancient practice that the bee shamans have been working with for thousands of years. They work with a tradition that forces you to look at those places that may need to be stung. And in order for you or for I to gain the sweetness…wisdom does not come without the sting.