good evening! i was chatting with my blog buddy nathaniel from the lovely film experience and he sent me this link about this oh so exciting project involving my dear tori amos! this summer there’s a book coming out called comic book tattoo (hardcover, thick paper stock, 12″x12″) a 500 page collaboration featuring a bunch of highly respected comic book artists – each working on an individual story inspired by the songs of ms. amos – what a freakin’ neat idea! (there’s a couple of awesome illustrations below – there’ll be over fifty stories in total!) plus apparently tori has been quite involved in the project to make sure all of her ‘girls’ are treated with the respect they totally deserve! you can read a lot more about the whole thing over on comic book resources – oh i seriously can’t wait to get myself a copy – it will be an amazing collectible for all fans of tori! popbytes over & out for now…xxoo!
the beekeeper, i can’t see new york, devils & gods, gold dust, leather, caught a lite sneeze, little amsterdam, past the mission