I know, I know, today’s kind of an awards show heavy day. I can’t help it! The year just started and that means rewarding famous people for being famous, or else how would they know they were famous? Anyway, in order to promote their gig hosting the Golden Globes (taking place this Sunday, January 13th), funny ladies Amy Poehler and Tina Fey created a drinking game to play during the ceremony, which should get you pretty smashed within the first ten minutes or so. Via Hollywood Reporter …
THR: OK, so can you come up with a couple of rules for a Globes drinking game?
Fey: Any time an actress cries in a speech, drink. Any time you see a person actively not listening to someone onstage, drink.
Poehler: Any time someone says, “I didn’t prepare anything!”
Fey: Any time anyone thanks Harvey Weinstein, eat a meatball sub.
THR: How about any time they show Judi Dench?
Fey: Yeah. You take off an article of clothing.
Poehler: Any time Maggie Smith wins.
I would only add to this, “drink heavily anytime they do a musical number,” and “drink if Ricky Gervais tells a joke and everyone in the room gives him the stank-eye.” Guaranteed to happen people.