UPDATE! OH MY WORD!!! damn – those ladies rocked the house tonight! i had the BEST time ever – i didn’t sit down once – i was too busy dancing my ass off along with everyone else! the energy was incredible on wednesday but tonight the energy was off the fucking hook yo! (i admit to having a few drinks as you might be able to tell) i even bought a spice girls t-shirt and changed in the middle of the show! yet the best part is that tonight i was able to sneak my camera into the venue with the help of my pal tanya! i got a number of great pictures along with some awesome video clips that i’ll be combining into one grand montage which will be posted ASAP! i’m so happy that i decided to go both nights – lordy – if you have tickets for any of their tour dates – get ready now people – you’re going to have the best time – i can’t say it enough – and if you haven’t secured tickets – i insist that you go on and spice up your life! popbytes over & out for tonight – i’m going to sleep way late tomorrow – i can’t wait! oh yes – when i lay down – i’ll be having visions of spice girls dancing in my head – xxoo!
good evening! although i’m a bit (ok very) drained from this week (thank heavens for the upcoming weekend) i’m off to see spice girls again! after seeing them this past wednesday evening – i think i’m extra excited for tonight! plus my seats are exactly across from where i sat the last time – so it’ll be nice to get a different view of the spice filled spectacle! and as for tomorrow i’m way pumped up to go see juliette lewis and her band the licks down at the roxy (hands down the best small local venue – i always have a blast there!) i’ve been dying to see ms. lewis play live for a long time – i know that’s going to be an insane show! popbytes over & out for now…xxoo!