About two years ago, fans of the mashup scene got a little sad, with the announcement that the UK’s Go Home Productions would be retiring from making mashups. While we were happy to hear the original music he started making, it felt like we’d lost an old mate we could count on for some of the best bootlegs ever made. Well, you know what they say: Nothing lasts forever, including a retirement – and one of the original pioneers of the scene is back! As always, GHP likes to surprise us by using indie or classic rock tracks, and it doesn’t get more classic than The Who‘s Baba O’Riley (aka ‘teenage wasteland’). But who did he choose as his vocalist? None other than Madonna, with Like A Virgin. While some rock purists might call this sacrilegious, I just call it awesome!
† Download Go Home Production‘s Virgin O’Riley †
[.mp3 / 9mb / right click, save link as …]
Enjoy! — DJ Paul V.
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