There’s this one particularly screwed up verse in Revelations where they talk about a beast with seven heads and ten horns (horn distribution is a bit vague; use your imagination) which people say is the anti-christ, although technically the term “anti-christ” is never once mentioned or truly alluded to, so let’s just say it’s a pretty bad thing. Anyway, bad thing is apparently some sort of super demon that will fuck shit up in the end times, and I swear to God, if you think about it enough, you can probably make a decent argument that it’s about the Kardashians.
Anyway, case in point: Here’s the entire Kardashian family on vacation lip syncing to Katy Perry‘s E.T., and I would just like to apologize in advance. I’m going to be completely honest with you here: I made it to the sixteen-second mark before I paused the video, walked out onto my balcony and looked down as I pondered my own mortality. If you can last longer than I did, congratulations! What you saw cannot be unseen, only time can answer for this!