good evening everyone! gosh there’s even more controversy for my dear dixie chicks who have a new documentary film out called shut up & sing which covers the whole natalie maines‘ comment at a UK concert in 2003 about president bush and the huge very unnecessary backlash that quickly followed! well now it looks like NBC doesn’t want to air the commercial for the film (which is posted below along with the film trailer) CBS is the only network on board to air the ad! CW declined and FOX & ABC haven’t decided yet…i’ve posted on the chicks before so i’m not gonna restate my case but in a nutshell – it was ridiculous what happened to them (people threatened their lives – seriously who has the time to make death threats?!?) oh man i love how they most likely got started with a right-wing audience and now have an even more devoted fan base of us left-wingers (mind you popbytes is a moderate liberal) but i’d like to think (yes in my little ‘perfect pop world’) that everyone supports our freedom of speech…oh my word i just got all serious on a friday night! anyways i hope everyone is up to something more fun than writing this! popbytes over & out for now…xxoo!