Yesterday, we saw rumors of a sex tape made by Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham circulate the web, followed by Farrah trying to deny it by tripping over the English language. Then everyone found out that the ‘sex tape’ was actually a full-fledged porno starring Farrah and James Deen (who is way too good for this crap). Turns out, Farrah getting down on film was her plot all along … who the hell does she think she is? Kim Kardashian? Read more on the publicity ploy that has been thwarted on TMZ:
James Deen tells TMZ, he was approached by an unidentified porn company to shoot the porno with Farrah over the weekend … and they did. He says the plan was to pass the porn off as a “sex tape,” but the plan fell apart. Deen believes the ruse began to unravel Sunday when he and Farrah were shot leaving the Vivid Entertainment offices, holding hands. He says, “I think what happened is that [the porn company was] going to pass it off as a ‘sex tape’ and somebody saw us coming out of a building together and people asked me what’s going on … so I was like we’re making a porno!” (Deen wouldn’t say if the “company” was in fact Vivid.) And the kicker … despite Farrah’s poorly-worded protests, Deen says she was the one behind it the whole time, telling us, “Everybody’s trying to make it this story, but really [Farrah] wanted to make a sex tape.”
Well of course it was her idea. Are you kidding? Her life’s work can be summed up as “have a baby while you’re a kid, have your mom raise it for you, scream at your mom.” Compared to that, doing a porno and then trying to deny said porno even though everyone knows you made it is practically genius.