For those of you addicted to Twitter and Facebook, snail mail used to be this thing where people would physically write stuff on paper (what’s paper? Ooooo, this is an uphill battle, isn’t it?) and then they would pay to send it to someone else. It was basically like email, but less convenient and more awesome. Anyway, there are apparently still a bunch of people who actually use mail, and who use it to send fan letters to Taylor Swift. Which, apparently, she throws right into the dumpster. Via Billboard…
WKRN-TV in Nashville reports that a woman found hundreds of unopened fan letters, many covered in glitter and heart stickers, in a dumpster behind a school. She scooped up the letters and brought them to the news network, which contacted Swift’s record label. “Taylor gets thousands of fan letters every day, and they are delivered to her management office. After the letters are opened and read, they are recycled,” her spokesperson, Paula Erickson, told the network. As for how this batch went ignored, Erickson says it was simply an oversight. “The only explanation for any letters being unopened would be that a small batch of mail that was supposed to be delivered to Taylor was accidentally put with letters headed for the recycling center.”
Now, this isn’t really Taylor’s fault. She’s only one person, and if she actually sat and read every Facebook message, tweet or fan letter, she’d never be able to do anything with her life. So I’m not really going to fault her on this one. It happens. Oh crap, I’m supposed to make a joke about someone here, shouldn’t I? Well … Ummmm, sh!t. I can’t think of anyone. Ah hell, let’s just call this one a wash.