… well, not yet anyway. Let’s not shut out any possibilities here. Anyway, a People magazine cover is floating around the web, featuring a fake cover story about Taylor Lautner coming out of the closet. But despite the fact that People is the magazine of choice for celebrities looking to come out of the closet, it looks like the whole thing is a hoax and Taylor and his delicious abs are not coming out of the closet. Yet! Once again, we don’t want to close any doors. Gossip Cop reports:
“Tired of rumors, the Twilight star opens up about his decision to finally come out,” promises the People cover, which quotes Lautner as saying, “I’m more liberated, and happier than I’ve ever been.” A rep for the magazine confirms to Gossip Cop exclusively that it’s “absolutely fake.” Nevertheless, the Photoshopped fake is being circulated everywhere via Twitter and other social media.
I’m sure that if (IF!) Taylor is actually gay and eventually comes out (we’re not implying anything whatsoever, nope, nothing at all) then does it really matter all that much? The point of acting is that you’re playing someone other than yourself, which I guess means who you are in real life doesn’t actually matter at all. So just come out of the closet already, actual closeted celebrities. No one really cares!