hey y’all! two of my favorite shows are returning this coming monday (march 22nd) to showtime … united states of tara and nurse jackie! both shows feature incredible performances from two great actresses – toni collette (who won an emmy for her role as ‘tara gregson’ – along with a couple of other ‘personalities’) and edie falco (nominated for playing ‘jackie’) i’ve been re-watching the shows’ first seasons – i’m all ready for the season two premieres (trailers are below!) plus i’ve got a copy of each show’s first season on DVD to toss out to my lovely readers – to be entered for a chance to win …
compose a tweet (yes, you have to be on twitter) containing these hash-tagged phrases …
#UnitedStatesOfTara OR #NurseJackie AND #Popbytes
alternatively you can mention the shows’ twitter accounts
@SHO_Tara OR @SHO_Jackie AND #Popbytesfor example #Popbytes is turning me onto #NurseJackie! or
I will watch #UnitedStatesOfTara because of #Popbytes!the two most unique and/or creative tweets will win! you have until monday night to tweet – i will announce the winners via twitter!
i hope i’m not making this too difficult but i wanted to try and do something other than a trivia question or whoever emails me first – so let’s see how this goes! plus the DVDs will come with a little something extra related to the show! popbytes over & out for now … good luck! xoxo