Kim Kardashian donated her wedding gift money
Remember a while back when Kim Kardashian said she would be donating the cash value of her wedding gifts to charity, like that’s some sort […]
Remember a while back when Kim Kardashian said she would be donating the cash value of her wedding gifts to charity, like that’s some sort […]
For those of you who never thought they would see the day where Kim Kardashian would refuse to air part of her private life on […]
So back around the middle of October, I joked about how E! would start putting together a new special called Kim’s Fairytale Divorce sometime in […]
So as Kim Kardashian tried to pull a last-minute Hail Mary on her show to try and convince everyone that she’s actually capable of feeling […]
Did you know Snoop Dogg has his own Internet show? Well now you do. Anyway, on last night’s episode, someone for some reason decided that […]
Despite the fact that Kim Kardashian married Kris Humphries for the sake of turning it into a reality TV special and then making millions out […]
I remember when Kim Kardashian ended her big fake marriage after only seventy-two days, my first instinct was to role my eyes, mutter “well of […]
It’s no secret that Kim Kardashian is doing everything she can to manipulate her “reality” television show to make herself look like the jilted, crushed […]
Last week, Kris Humphries was welcomed back to the NBA with a whole lotta booing from the crowd, which is weird because Kim Kardashian has […]
In case you were wondering whether or not the Kim Kardashian stench has washed off of Kris Humphries yet? Well, not yet. During a pre-season […]
Why is it news when people call Kim Kardashian‘s shows fake? I mean seriously, at this point, that’s like freaking out because someone called The […]
So during the premiere episode of Kim and Kourtney Take New York, famewhore Kim Kardashian apparently took a playful swing at Kris Humphries after he […]
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