As we reported last week, Lindsay Lohan‘s latest film The Canyons was rejected by Sundance, and rumors swirled that it was basically because Lindsay was a colossal turn-off for them. Well, minor setback, right? Nope! Because now South By Southwest, the renowned media festival, has also passed on the movie, and their critique isn’t exactly glowing. From The Hollywood Reporter:
Sources tell THR that SXSW has joined Sundance in rejecting the erotic thriller. A festival insider tells THR that the Bret Easton Ellis-penned, Paul Schrader-directed Canyons — which features tons of nudity, including au naturel shots of Lohan — suffers from significant “quality issues.” Says a festival insider, “It’s got an ugliness and a deadness to it.” Canyons producer Braxton Pope says the filmmakers are still awaiting official word from the festival.
Here’s the thing about The Canyons: It could be the best movie ever made, but unfortunately, it will always be tied to the now infamous backstage drama that gave birth to it. This right here is the crux of why I keep hounding LiLo. She has potential, but her lack of professionalism has a tendency to taint everything she does. If your audience can’t separate your insanity from your work, then you’re setting yourself up to fail.