In case the tan, the bump-it and the fact that she generally acts like a two-dollar Vegas whore weren’t a tip off enough, Snooki is basically trash. Case in point: After her big all-inclusive trip to Italy -which she actually got paid to go on – she came back and bitched all about how Italy needs more tanning salons, nail places and McDonald’s, because who needs to go across the Atlantic for art and culture when you can find low-brow bullshit right at home?
“They need to get stronger tanning beds and have a gym on every block,” the “Jersey Shore” star told The Huffington Post at the launch party for her upcoming cover of YRB Magazine at New York City hotspot District 36. “And they need more nail salons with Chinese people running them.”
It’s these simple Seaside Heights luxuries (and “McDonald’s”, adds Snooki) that Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi and her Jersey gal pal Deena Nicole Cortese say they missed the most while they spent a few months in Florence, Italy filming season four of the hit MTV reality show, which the girls promise is the most dramatic season yet. SOURCE
Oh, holy mother of God, what kind of bronzed ewok slut monster goes to Italy and says “yeah, gourmet pizza and and classic European charm is all good and fine, but I feel like we should be eating Big Macs and tanning all the time.” Thanks a bunch MTV. You’re not so much a television channel so much as you are what Machiavelli probably thought of when he was tired and horny: A potent mix of large-tittied whores and man’s inhumanity to man.