Look, I know I bash on Justin Bieber a lot, but honestly? I don’t really have much of an opinion on him, mostly because there’s nothing there to have an opinion about. He’s not a person, he’s a product: He’s what happens when a focus group comes together and tries to create a sellable human being. It’s his fans I really can’t stand. Case in point: Selena Gomez was photographed with a bruise on her lip that the Beliebers assumed came from a punch to the face. Their response: THEY CHEERED ABOUT IT.
The believability of this is telling. #sorryjustin trended on Twitter as thousands of Beliebers gossiped about the supposed incident. Many reveled in Selena’s pain. Here’s one typically gleeful Belieber reaction: “Selena Gomez was punched in the face? Hahahahahaha.” Tweeted another: “U GO THE BELIEBER WHO PUNCHED SELENA IN THA FACE!!! U GO GHURLLLL!!!!! PUNCHHER HARDER NEXT TIME:):):) LOL.” Buzz over a possible video of Selena getting punched in the face soared almost as high as that surrounding Justin Bieber’s own 3D movie. SOURCE
This is why I hate teenagers. The sense of self-entitlement, the complete disassociation with reality, the boner for fame … honestly, nothing really captures the absolute worst aspects of teenage fandom than the fact that a group of teens would bash a girl for dating “their man” while rallying around a popstar who tried to chew off his ex-girlfriend’s face. If you fall into either of those two categories? You really should re-evaluate your taste in men.