I have to admit, I was never a big fan of all those early 2K’s angry-dude bands like Limp Bizkit, Korn, or Linkin Park. I always thought, ‘What the hell are these guys all screaming about?’ But a few tracks from that era did catch my ear, like Papa Roach‘s Last Resort. It had a great hook, a ballsy groove, and some excellent guitar noodling. I suppose the last artist I’d imagine working so well with them would be Rihanna, but our Austrian wunderkind DJ Schmolli can make anyone sound bitchin’ together. He proves his ‘metal’ once again by slamming Rude Boy (perhaps an apropo title?) with the California one-hit wonders. And her vocals sound so perfectly natural in this crunchy, but infectious setting!
† Download DJ Schmolli‘s Rude Boy Resort †
[.mp3 / 7.9mb / right click, save link as …]
Enjoy! — DJ Paul V.
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