Is anyone feeling the new Rihanna CD? I’m kinda not – at least from what I’ve heard so far. And while I don’t wanna hold her up to the scrutiny of the mega Good Girl Gone Bad, there’s no denying how superior those tracks were. Which leads me to this week’s dilemma: I have two fabulous mashups, both featuring Sniff ‘N The Tears‘ Driver’s Seat (a longtime fave track of mine from since 1978, and now covered in the Lincoln car commercials), and Rihanna! Except it’s two different Rihanna tracks – and both Disturbia and Please Don’t Stop The Music work flawlessly. Marc Johnce (a Popbytes regular) made Driver’s Disturbia and Mash2Mix made Don’t Stop Apologize (which features some One Republic and a bit of Oasis). So here they, are all revved up together!
† Listen to Rihanna’s In The Driver’s Seat [.mp3 5.5mb] †
Enjoy – DJ Paul V.
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