You’ll probably remember a little while back when Rihanna brought a whole bunch of reporters with her on her 777 Tour, only for it to turn into Lord of the Flies, plus or minus a pig’s severed head. Well, Rihanna has decided to clear the air, sort of, by telling everyone that she’s not crazy! She just, you know, filled a plane with people and subjected them to a never ending hellscape of airline code and conduct. Via HuffPo …
“It was different having to do your job but also have 200 guests come along with you,” the singer told BBC’s Radio 1. “They all want you to host a party every time you get on the plane after a show but you really only have that time to sleep until you get to the next country … Sometimes it was a two-hour ride to the next country and that was all the sleep you would get. I knew I had seven countries and seven shows and I had to save my voice,” she told the station. “I didn’t go crazy. I didn’t party too hard.”
No, I don’t think Rihanna went crazy because of the 777 Tour. I think she went crazy because she got back together with her abusive ex aka Chris Brown despite every single sign telling her to do the absolute opposite. Honestly, it’s getting harder to care about Rihanna when she doesn’t seem care about herself.