By now you’ve probably seen Rebecca Black‘s music video for Friday (it’s posted below in case you missed it), and then you’ve probably seen the steady stream of parodies, spoofs and rip-offs that burst forth from it. So chances are you’re probably a little tired of it all, but not, like, in a stabby sort of way. But apparently someone out there is because Rebecca is now under police protection following a pair of death threats she received, because apparently, threatening a thirteen-year-old girl is a-okay as long as you’re mildly irritated.
A spokesman for the Anaheim Police is quoted saying, “In essence the threats were related to getting the music off the Internet or they were going to kill her.” The spokesmen continued, “We can’t validate how serious they are, but we do take it seriously.” It was reported that one death threat came by phone and the other by email. Officers are keeping an extra eye out on Black as they investigated the messages which were made through her production and management companies. SOURCE
Wow, what a dickhole. I mean yes, it’s a stupid song, and it sucks hard. But she’s only thirteen-years-old. She only sang the song that the producers gave her, and quite frankly she’s actually a pretty decent singer. It’s not like she had creative control over the content or the video. But ultimately, you can’t threaten to kill someone for any reason whatsoever, and you sure as shit can’t threaten to kill a harmless, teenage girl over one stupid song.