hey hey! last night i finally watched the first episode of pushing daisies which premiered on ABC this past wednesday – oh my goodness – i have a new favorite show! it’s super quirky & whimsical – a modern day fairytale of sorts – focused on a guy named ‘ned’ played adorably by lee pace who has the power to bring dead things back to life with a single touch – but on the second touch – instant death! he ends up saving this childhood friend of his named ‘chuck’ (short for ‘charlotte’) who he has developed feelings for but can never touch her – or she’ll wind up dead again! i know it all sounds a little wacky but trust me – this is totally the hot new show of the fall season! (plus it also stars broadway darling kristin chenoweth who is beyond adorable – i love her!)
i was also super delighted to see ellen greene starring as one of the oddball aunts (the other is played by the always fabulous swoosie kurtz) i’ve seen ms. greene a number of times at the local grocery story (rock & roll ralphs on sunset) i always want to approach her – she kicked ass in little shop of horrors as ‘audrey’ – but i knew she wasn’t working much these days (i’ve also heard she was a huge diva back in the day and a total pain in the ass) i’m so glad she got a part on this show – i sure do hope she sticks around! i’m quite curious to see the next few episodes – i wonder if the energy & zaniness of the first show can be sustained as the series carries on?!? if you didn’t catch the premiere – you can view it online on abc.com! i sure hope everyone is enjoying their weekend – popbytes over & out for tonight…xxoo!