Hot pop & rock music is all about the riffs we can remember in our sleep. From The Rolling Stones’ Satisfaction to Van Halen’s Jump to Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit – we can all immediately name that tune in about three notes, maybe less. Back in the mid 80’s – when Eddie Murphy had a career and synthpop was everywhere – a little ditty of an instrumental from the Beverly Hills Cop soundtrack called Axel F by Harold Faltemeyer got stuck in our heads, and whose opening synth notes are (for better or for worse) lodged in our skulls. Now imagine it tweaked and messed around with the squiggly blips and bloops from Major Lazer (aka DJs Diplo & Switch), and you’ve got yourself a whole new jam! All hail LA’s Ludachrist for twisting the knobs to full effect on this.
† Download Ludachrist‘s Pon De Foley †
[.mp3 / 9.2mb / right click, save link as …]
Enjoy! — DJ Paul V.
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