Piers Morgan interviewed Lindsay Lohan …

Piers Morgan and Lindsay Lohan

Piers Morgan and Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan, whose most known for her amazing judgment and moderation, sat down for an interview with Piers Morgan about her rehab stint and her history of f**king up royally in public. To his credit, Piers does the best he can with her, but she decided to use the opportunity to try and convince us that she was never much of a drinker (HA!) and that she only did cocaine maybe four times. The best parts from The Daily Mail

Do you think you personally need this treatment, for physical or psychological reasons?
I don’t think I need to be on lockdown for three months. I don’t think that’s rehab.

How often have you been in rehab?
I’ve been court-ordered to do it six times. I could write the book on rehab. Constantly sending me to rehab is pointless. The first few times I was court-ordered to rehab it was like a joke, like killing time.

AA meetings? So you’re an alcoholic?
No. I don’t think so. But when I was younger I was definitely going out too much and I was drinking too much. I was accused of everything, even stealing a necklace. I’d never steal a necklace. They didn’t show the real in-store video tape to anyone, because that shows the store attendant putting it on me and me taking out cash to pay for it, and she’s saying, ‘No, you can just bring it back tomorrow.’ So, there’s like a slew of things that have gone on like that which have been such a strain.

Did you take it a lot?
No. I have severe ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). I can’t stand still. So I take Adderall (a prescription drug) for that, it calms me. I know people who take it to stay up, or girls who take it to supposedly stay slim because it kills your appetite. But I eat all the time. I just take it to stay calm. It works well for me.

How many times have you taken cocaine?
Everyone thinks I’ve done it so many times. But I’ve only done it maybe four or five times in my life.


Lindsay? Honey? You see all this? This might be why you need to go to rehab. And the fact that you’re not taking your rehab seriously might explain why you’ve gone six times and STILL have no career. You really don’t have anyone here to blame but yourself. The calls are coming from inside the house!

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.