o’quinn, fonda, & spelling – oh my!

hey kids! did everyone remember to turn their clocks back last night? i was driving around and my clock wasn’t set properly forward in the car – so at one point i was like shit – it’s an hour later! but at least there was still light outside – i totally enjoy daylight savings time!

so today i had another random celebrity sighting – this time at fred segal down on melrose – it was terry o’quinn (who plays ‘john locke’ on lost) – i was kinda floored to have seen two stars of ‘lost’ this weekend (last night i spotted ian somerhalder) – o’quinn was buying some clothes and was shorter than i expected in person but looked dashing! fred segal can be fun but it’s such an odd maze in there…there is tons of cool stuff but you can’t really focus on any one thing – i much prefer the segal in santa monica – the layout is a bit more normal and not so meandering…

so last night i layed low – i actually watched monster in-law on DVD – better than i expected but i am glad i watched at home – we all know i am not so hot on j lopez but i do adore jane fonda (oh barbarella!) who is actually 68 – i was like damn! she looks very decent for 68 – i thought she was younger than that! i just caught ms. fonda recently on the gossip shows with gal pals dolly parton & lily tomlin who were celebrating the 25th anniversary of the now classic film 9 to 5 – what a great ride that is! seriously – who doesn’t adore that movie??? there was even a small bit of talk on a possible reunion film! now that would be so hot to see those three legends back on the big-screen again! if they could do it right…it could be so awesome or go very horribly wrong but either way i want to see them together in something! bring it on!

so tonight i will of course be watching so noTORIous the WIDELY adevrtised new ‘reality / comedy / scripted / whatever’ show from the good folks at VH1 starring soap maven aaron spelling‘s little girl tori spelling – but i am so sick of hearing about it! they have been playing these radio promos here in los angeles and i am sure everywhere else where she sings this little ditty about her show…screw donna martin – the real me is emerging… the commercial goes on & on…and on! plus they have been playing it what seemed like every minute on the minute – i’m gonna watch so just calm your asses down! early buzz is the show is gonna suck – i will be the critic on that and fill you all in tomorrow with my complete 100% honest opinion! popbytes over & out for now – check you all laters…xxoo!

About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5720 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.