Justin Bieber hasn’t always been the most gracious of guests, to the point where he steals random bikes in hotels, spits off the balcony onto fans below, and generally just trashes it because he knows he has a team of yes-men to take the fall for him. Since it’s not like Scooter Braun is going to make him behave any time soon, an upscale hotel in New Zealand Justin is staying at has decided to lay down the law, forcing him to sign an agreement that allows them to kick him out if he disobeys any of their rules. RadarOnline reports …
“Justin will be thrown out if doesn’t follow the rules,” an insider told the Daily Star regarding the venue, the Langham Hotel in Auckland. “They don’t care who he is. His management were made to sign a contract, which included a long list of demands, stopping him from partying and disturbing other guests.”
Among the stipulations Bieber’s camp agreed to, include no female visitors to the hotel, and not eating in the main areas so as not to cause a Beatlemaina-esque ruckus. “It’s a highly respectable place,” the source said, “and Justin’s arrival was dreaded by some.”
Wait wait wait … you’re telling me that someone is actually going to hold Justin accountable for his actions? And they’re not just going to passively bend backwards for him because they don’t want to hurt their little cash cow’s pwecious feewings? Holy sh!t. I think that might make Justin’s head explode.
Hotelier: So Justin, as per our agreement, if you bother any of our guests, you will be thrown out.
Justin: That’s cute. I already peed on my neighbor’s door. Wild kids!
Hotelier: Get the f**k out of my hotel.
Justin: *Throws a flurry of bills at him* Take that, problems!
Hotelier: I’m serious. Get the f**k out you generic hack.
Justin: But … but … what is happeni- ERROR. ERROR. ERROR. *Sparks fly out of his head*