good evening! oh my goodness – even though it was a short work week – i so needed the weekend! i’ve been insanely busy working on some new features coming to popbytes very soon – i’m pretty stoked about everything and i really hope you guys will like it! anyways below is this new internet people video that has been making the rounds all over the web and was created by the meth minute 39 – it features a bunch of ‘internet people’ that you’re probably familiar with – it’s very clever & well done! i’m having some pizza delivered and i’m going to finish watching charlotte’s web on DVD – which i totally love so far – it’s such a sweet story but i can already feel the tears coming at the end! popbytes over & out for tonight…xxoo!
PS i wanted to give a special shout out to my pal brent who i worked with! he totally rocks – and sadly he’s moving onto another job (a totally smart move on his part) i wish him the best of luck – and his new office comrades better become popbytes readers super fast!