You know what’s weird? When the line-up for this season of Dancing With The Stars was released, everyone jumped on Kirstie Alley, but me? I knew the biggest bitch of the season would beKendra ‘Poor Me!’ Wilkinson, and surprise! I was completely right. It turns out, after judge Carrie Ann Inaba made a comment about how Kendra seemed to be “afraid of elegance”, Kendra did what she always does: She went off and sobbed to whichever magazine would be willing to listen to her dumbass drivel.
“Another woman telling me about elegance eats away at my ego,” she said. “I’m a huge Carrie Ann fan, and she’s [usually] so sweet, but that one comment – I felt belittled at that moment and embarrassed.” Wilkinson makes it clear that she does take her time on the show seriously, but not too seriously. “This is great, and a time of my life I will look back on, but it’s not my life,” she said. “My life is my family memories. We just bought a new home. That right there means the world to me. Why am I listening to people that I don’t care about?” Wilkinson continued. “I’m out here to have a good time – to be Kendra and dance and shake my butt – not to be a professional dancer.” SOURCE
Oh fuck you. She could have said you suck as a dancer and you have all the grace and poise of one of those trained walruses at Sea World, but no, she downplayed it and now you’re badmouthing her in People magazine because you’re a famewhore with a bruised ego. Boo. Hoo. I mean really, you’d figure those comments wouldn’t have stung as much for her. After all, she did let Hugh Hefner bang her, she should be used to taking soft balls to the face by now.