Oh, Please: Paris Hilton was ambushed!

Paris Hilton and Dan Harris

Remember how Paris Hilton walked out of an interview after she was forced for the first time in her life to reflect on her actions and how they may have cost her her fame, which is at this point the only thing she has going for her? Well, now she’s claiming that she was ambushed and the whole thing was one of those gotcha-style questions from the lamestream media. Though to be fair, every question can be considered a gotcha question when you’re functionally illiterate.

The source says that particular question set Hilton off because just moments prior, Dan Harris had gone on and on about the success (to the tune of $1 billion) of her fragrance lines and merchandising. “It’s ridiculous that he went on an on about her making a billion dollars, and then asking if she’s relevant,” the source added. “She is upset. She felt ambushed.” The source adds that Hilton resumed the interview after ABC told her they were cutting out the part where she walked away, but they did not. The source also says Hilton feels Harris did this only to get publicity for himself, which he’s now accomplished. SOURCE

How do I say this … oh yeah: No one cares. Seriously, it’s not an ambush question just because you were either too stupid or simply refused to use your brain for five seconds to figure out a thoughtful answer about yourself and the way you treat others. But fuck it, I might as well just spell it out for you: You’re not special. At all. Nothing about you is in any way, shape or form unique or beneficial to society. If your moment is, indeed, over like everyone says it is, it’s entirely your fault. Stupid, talentless assholes are a dime-a-hundred-dozen. Just bow out gracefully while you still have the chance.

Paris Hilton and Dan Harris

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.