it looks like britney spears isn’t the only one in dire need of a hair intervention … faux reality ‘star’ spencer pratt was spotted looking completely awful (and pale) with his creepy blonde chia pet hair and beard while surfing up in malibu (still wearing a dumb ass crystal around his neck) i’m thrilled heidi montag is finally through with him (at least i hope she is – you never know what’s real or fake with those two – although we all know just how fake (literally) heidi really is!) spencer is such a freak show – i can’t imagine any girl wanting to touch him with a ten foot pole – that beard is giving me a serious case of the chills – and here i was thinking brad pitt‘s beard was gnarly – this is way worse! at least we avoided spencer and heidi having children together (we totally dodged a bullet) the thought of that happening was just too scary to imagine – shivers down my spine! popbytes over & out … xoxo