nip/tuck carver final thoughts…

gosh i really don’t know how i feel about last night’s nip/tuck season finale – i think i just feel spent – i was so damn excited – people had to tell me to calm myself down – so when it came out that dr. quentin costa (played by sexy bruno campos) was indeed the carver – i immediately cried ‘bullshit’ – i was quite pissed & angry – he was the one person who was just too obvious in my opinion – but there was still a good 30 minutes left in the show – so i let out a big sigh and carried on…

i am glad that they did add the final twist of det. kit mcgraw (played by rhona mitra) being in on the whole thing with costa and kit actually turned out to be his sister! they escaped – she shot him in a set-up to elude the authorities (he wore a bulletproof vest) and later she rescued him from the morgue and bro & sis left the country to embark on a new set of crimes in spain…the whole back story of these weird siblings was a bit overcooked…and the last scene with those two was very campy and left the door open for them both to return next season – although i doubt they will – i think we are all over the carver…all that build up for what i think we must chalk up to a major cop out…at least dr. troy and dr. sean found out that kit was quentin’s sister…

however i did really enjoy the whole matt storyline with tranny cherry peck – played by willam belli who runs a fab blog over at – i was so happy matt stood up for cherry – and ditched that awful racist girlfriend of his ariel – plus i am so glad that ariel’s dad got what he deserved – i hope we see more of cherry peck next season – i think matt likes her!

finally i was happy that it appears that julia and dr. sean will be getting back together – i think they do belong together – i just hope all is well with their baby…i wonder when season 4 will begin to air – i am assuming not until sept ’06 – gosh what a long time to wait…overall i still think this is a great show and not to be missed – i just wish they could have given us a bigger badder carver ending – and although i did have my bets placed on dr. liz cruz (played by roma maffia) i am actually glad it’s not her since i just adore her character! so until season four starts – i am going to leave nip/tuck alone for while…ok i need to eat some lunch – i shall be back later! popbytes over & out…xxoo

PS go on a read my friend tabloid whore’s take on the whole carver letdown…

PSS i am very excited to see william belli (aka cherry peck) in a new upcoming musical that debuts in hollywood in january – it’s called rock of ages and it looks awesome – i love 80’s music – check out the website and i will keep you posted!

About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5720 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.