good evening boys & girls! i still haven’t been able to get my hands on a nintendo wii – i’m going to try to put it out of my mind for a bit…it’ll show up soon (at least i hope it does) who out there has one already? is it worth the wait or should i save my money?
moving on tonight – i’m so embarrassed to admit that i actually tuned into the premiere of grease: you’re the one that i want which is that ‘talent/audition’ show searching for new broadway leads for ‘grease’ when it hits the great white way this summer (how many more revivals of this show do we really need?) the catch is we’re supposed to vote who will play ‘sandy’ & ‘danny’…i wonder if we should have fun with this one and vote for the worst ones? ha!
now i do love ‘grease’ like the rest of us but this musical is beyond beat at this point (please let it rest in pop peace) i coudn’t bear seeing this on stage or seeing the movie – oh i’ve had my fill – trust me! but of course who can pass up watching bad people audition? i don’t know though if my TV will stay on NBC when donald trump premieres his latest 6th round of the apprentice…this time he’s in los angeles – ugh! (don’t worry i’m tivoing the new episode of desperate housewives)
let’s go ahead and balance this post with a touch of hollywood class…there’s ‘bond boy’ daniel craig & nicole kidman on the cover of the latest issue of W magazine! the two are starring in the invasion together which is based on the sci-fi 1956 creepy classic invasion of the body snatchers (the film isn’t due to hit theaters until august!) but they’ve already lined up another film together called the golden compass which will be released in december – read more about the handsome pairing (they could almost be brother & sister – don’t you think?) over on…
this month the magazine also features a story on five of the best substance-abuse clinics which i’m sure all have a long laundry list of celebs who have been in & out (and back again…) as well as a piece on rachel zoe – the semi-interesting stylist to the stars! anyways i’ll catch you all tomorrow – it will probably be a light day here on the site as i have to make a trek to santa barbara for ‘the day job’ – oh good times! popbytes over & out for tonight…xxoo!