Well, I might be overstating it by saying they conducted it but Nicki Minaj, who appears on the cover of August’s Marie Claire, focused on questions sent in via Twitter from her Barbz. Topics included her “secret man”, a potential relationship with Drake (longtime fans will remember when they faked a marriage on Twitter 3 years ago), and her hair.
The article is a nice, endearing piece on Minaj since her time on American Idol and her relationship with her fans. Looking at most of today’s active pop stars, Minaj definitely gets points for fan appreciation. She’s always giving them shout-outs on television (although that did get kind of tedious on Idol) or consistently interacting with them on Twitter. In regards to her interactions with fans: “I’m very aware that millions of people on Twitter have no idea what we’re talking about,” she says of the gobbledygook conversations she carries on with her Barbz. That’s because “we kind of have our own language. I used to think it was just a Queens language or a New York language or an East Coast language, but now it’s a Barb Nation language. I have South African Barbz. Japanese. German. Saudi Arabian. You can be a Barb wherever you live.”
They also discuss her role in next year’s The Other Woman opposite Cameron Diaz and Leslie Mann. When asked if she was transitioning into an acting career, Minaj said, “I at least want to do three more albums. If I can do that, I’ll feel complete … One day, when I start getting a couple gray hairs, maybe it will all be only acting. I just never know … I’ve kind of become the poster child for doing the things that no one expects.”
Minaj’s spread is a little more sophisticated than I expected but she says that since her tenure on American Idol, she’s become more comfortable with less. It certainly works for her, especially with the bob. I’m also kind of partial to the LaQuan Smith bodysuit because who doesn’t love a good bodysuit with a mohawk headpiece?
The August issue of Marie Claire is available on newsstands July 16th.