Nicki Minaj needs to DTMFA!

Nicki Minaj and Safaree Samuels

Remember how a couple weeks ago, Nicki Minaj ended up getting into a fight with a guy she was traveling with, and the fucker punched her in the face and ran off? Well it turns out, the two were actually dating, and now the guy, named Safaree Samuels (seriously) yelled at her over a Cosmopolitan magazine shoot because she was “too sexy”, which is pretty much the exact thing an abuser says to someone they’re in an abusive relationship with.

According to the insider, Safaree DIDN’T LIKE some of the photos being taken. The insider explained, “He thought Nicki was being too sexy and so he spoke up. Nicki told him to stay out of it … and then they began [ARGUING].” And it wasn’t just ANY OLD ARGUING. According to our insider, Nicki and Safaree asked EVERYONE TO LEAVE … while they finished their heated argument. The staffer told, “I was scared for Nicki … we shouldn’t have left her alone.” SOURCE

All right Nicki, we love you, so we’re saying this out of respect for you: You need to DTMFA (which is Dan Savage shorthand for DUMP THAT MOTHERFUCKER ALREADY). The guy is both physically and emotionally abusive, controlling, manipulative, and clingy. No one deserves to be stuck with a guy who only wants to tear them down in order to make himself feel better. Please do yourself a favor Nicki and get out of there as soon as you can.

Nicki Minaj and Safaree Samuels

About JEREMY FEIST 4970 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.