To be honest, I kind of figured that Twitter feuds were really only for indie musicians and gay porn stars! Am I the only one who would pay to see Jayden Grey and Wavves get into a bitch fit? Make this happen, Internet. Yet every once in a while, a mainstream star will get into a snit, as demonstrated by Nicki Minaj who deleted her Twitter account after a fan site was accused of leaking her music. MTV reports:
The Barbz have gone mad. On Sunday (April 15), Nicki Minaj deactivated her Twitter account leaving millions of her fans and followers awaiting her comeback– but that may not happen. After getting into a Twitter tiff with some of her followers, Nicki pulled the plug on her account. “Like seriously, its but so much a person can take. Good fucking bye,” she wrote. before vanishing from the social networking site.
Minutes before, Nicki had vowed to get rid of the account after she blocked a fan site that she accused of posting leaked music. The offending site, NickiDaily.com is also down, stripped of all of it’s content with only the word “closed” posted. Instead of their Barbie-related content, the site just plays the somber sounding Dear Old Nicki in a loop. The track which appeared on Minaj’s 2010 debut is rather appropriate. On it she raps to her former self: “And tell me that you coming back that you just took a break/Maybe I blamed you for everything, that was my mistake.”
All right, here’s the thing: I know people really love getting stuff for free and all. That being said, if you’re going to be a fan of someone’s music and kiss their ass, it might be best if you didn’t, oh I don’t know, steal their stuff. It’s basic courtesy on that one: If you really like an artist, don’t take all their shit and put it on the web for millions of people to grab for free.