It’s by pure coincidence that this week’s mashup is another Go Home Productions blend. But seeing as the pioneering mashup giant just released his first proper record of original tracks for free (and after taking a much too long break from bootlegging) I say he deserves the love. He did, however, also find time to whip up this brand new, absolutely bananas mash. But, back in the day he made a fantastic boot featuring Nelly Furtado and the one and only Grace Jones, and, well – I’m a slave to his rhythms. Indeed, Los Angeles is buzzing about Grace’s show at The Hollywood Bowl this Sunday. I’ll be there, MK will be there – along with everybody else who adores this truly pioneering artist, musician, fashionista, & diva!
† Listen to Turn Off The Light, Slave [.mp3 5.8mb] †
Enjoy – DJ Paul V.
Bootie LA | Dragstrip 66 | Neon Noise | The Smash Mix
PS Last week I told you about my Sunday event called SWAGGER, and this week, we’re all about Grace Jones, too! Come join us at Barbarella Bar for some cocktails and hear all your favorite Grace songs before you head over to the Bowl. Anytime from 4pm on!
PPS After lots of online searching, I finally found the original version of Michael Jackson vs. Queen mashup (featured on popbytes two weeks ago) here’s that .mp3.