Because the internet is apparently really really REALLY bored right now, the blogs are all a-twitter on their Myspacebook+ accounts (I understand how the series of tubes works) about how Lady Gaga was robbed in the MTV VMAs nominations because … ummm … something. I don’t know. It’s Katy Perry‘s fault I think.
Is it just a coincidence that Lady Gaga happened to dominate last year’s VMAs? She swept up eight moonmen, remember, including video of the year for Bad Romance. She even stole the show with her outrageous wardrobe, triggering a media frenzy when she appeared on stage in a dress made of meat. The current list of MTV VMAs looks like the TV network’s bosses cooked the kudos so they could have a new pop diva of the year (Katy Perry dominates the new race with nine nominations) while still getting Lady Gaga to attend by tossing her a bone with that one, chintzy nomination for best female video. Do you think that’s true? SOURCE
Ummm … no. All right, here’s the deal: I really do like all of Lady Gaga’s singles from the new album thus far, although after Pride, I need to a good month or so away from Born This Way. That being said, the accompanying videos have all been … lackluster. I’m sorry, but somewhere between the weird grossness of Born This Way, the Bayonetta rip-off of Judas and the one-noteness of The Edge of Glory, girl really needs to pick it up already.