Does anyone remember Teen Mom? It was one of the first MTV reality shows that took stupid dickish people, then gave them money for being stupid and dickish instead of encouraging to make their lives better or otherwise not exploiting a group of dumb rednecks. Well, turns out that dumping money onto an irresponsible teenager with no maternal instinct blew up in their face, and in light of Jenelle Evans‘ recent breakdown, Page Six is reporting that the series is on the verge of being cancelled …
The decision to end the show follows several months of erratic, headline-grabbing behavior by loose-cannon star Jenelle Evans. Since Thanksgiving, Evans has become pregnant again, got married, lost her baby and publicly demanded a divorce.
“You f – – king leave out of town and I might be having a miscarriage?! F – – k U, U f – – king piece of sh – t,” she tweeted to her husband, Courtland Rogers, last week. Evans, 21, also shared what appeared to be disturbing, play-by-play updates of her seven-week pregnancy ending. “And this is the end, I think,” she shared with 632,800 followers Friday. “Feel light headed.” Hours later, Evans tweeted that she was with her ex-fiance, Gary Head, at a North Carolina bar.
Well, congrats on realizing that pulling the plug on this hot mess was the best course of action, but don’t you think you should have done this, I don’t know, sooner? And maybe you shouldn’t be running shows that teach dumb, impressionable kids that it’s totally okay to seek as much attention as possible by any means necessary? I’m not sure if you noticed this, MTV, but thanks to you, there’s an entire generation of kids who would fire their babies out of a cannon if they thought it would land them a role on Cannonball Baby Mamas: Sixteen and Pregnant and Being Fired Out of a Cannon. And it’s your fault.