Despite any negative feelings you may have about Hannah Montana, that body is bangin’! Miley Cyrus is looking super trim and tone — even beyond her usual bikini-ready body. That bitch! Right? Totally. But I know what she’s been up to. Her secret? When fans noticed her suddenly shrink, they naturally assumed she had an eating disorder. Because, Hollywood.
Miley attributed her weight loss to a gluten-free diet. A much healthier alternative to starving yourself! She says she went gluten-free due to a food allergy, which is actually pretty common. While not a new trend, many have seen benefits from following this food plan, allergies or not. As with any restrictive diet, there are deficiencies that pop up — which means you have to be sure you’re getting enough fiber, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folate, iron, and calcium.
† DON’T BE FOOLED BY FOOD LABELS! Biggest sham labels on BETTERby30
† The biggest diet and workout myths BUSTED on BETTERby30
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