Hot-bodied Miley Cyrus: Her new diet!

Miley Cyrus

FitnessBytes with Wes Ferguson

Despite any negative feelings you may have about Hannah Montana, that body is bangin’! Miley Cyrus is looking super trim and tone — even beyond her usual bikini-ready body. That bitch! Right? Totally. But I know what she’s been up to. Her secret? When fans noticed her suddenly shrink, they naturally assumed she had an eating disorder. Because, Hollywood.

Miley attributed her weight loss to a gluten-free diet. A much healthier alternative to starving yourself! She says she went gluten-free due to a food allergy, which is actually pretty common. While not a new trend, many have seen benefits from following this food plan, allergies or not. As with any restrictive diet, there are deficiencies that pop up — which means you have to be sure you’re getting enough fiber, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folate, iron, and calcium.

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Miley Cyrus


About WES FERGUSON 129 Articles
Wes Ferguson is a former Senior Editor at Entertainment Tonight and is a certified personal trainer; specializing in his own brand of combination moves that target multiple areas of the body at once for maximum results in minimal time. He has a background in martial arts, gymnastics, yoga and dance, He currently trains in Hollywood and runs a wellness website,