Now that his meal ticket daughter is locked away in rehab and he has zero chance of seeing her, Michael Lohan is determined to break into Betty Ford the only way he knows how: by being admitted as a patient. Michael has sworn to drink a ton of booze and get arrested in order to see Lindsay, which is basically what he already does on Tuesday anyway.
We’re told Michael is going to show up at Betty Ford and demand admission. He will stage his own arrest — to show everyone how much he cares about his daughter. Michael is saying he’ll make one more trip to Betty Ford to attempt to see Lindsay. If she won’t let him in, he’s going to get all drunk and then go back and make a scene. SOURCE
Yes, what better way to convince your daughter that you’re a loving father of sound body and mind than to show up at her rehab while making a drunken, shitfaced ass out of yourself? All my Dad ever did was love and support me. Ugh. How lame. Get with the times, Dad, you’re not even beating members of your own family with your shoes.