Can you believe it has been months since famewhore Michael Lohan sold his daughter down the river in order to collect that sweet, sweet tabloid money? Anyway, the star of Celebrity Rehab decided to tell everyone that Lindsay Lohan is probably smoking either meth of crack based on her rotten teeth. Once again, this story was brought to you by the guy who was just on a reality rehab show aka fake rehab. For attention. Cannot make that clear enough. RadarOnline reports:
In an appearance on Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell on HLN Wednesday afternoon Michael dropped the bombshell about his troubled daughter, and RadarOnline has video of his shocking claim. “That’s from smoking a pipe with meth or crack,” Michael said about Lindsay’s brown teeth. When Velez-Mitchell asked him to clarify what he meant he point blank said his daughter is abusing illegal drugs. “She’s smoking either crack or meth, one or the other. I’m not going to shade it.”
So I was talking to a friend about the whole LiLo thing yesterday, and he did bring up the completely valid point that Lindsay was more or less doomed from the start because her parents suck ass. Which sounds reasonable, until you realize that everyone in the entire world had a shitty childhood and every parent has messed up with their kids in some way or another. It is what allows us to go into adulthood and realize what we should and should not do. You can only use the “my parents were shitheads” excuse for so long before you have to start taking personal responsibility for your own mistakes.