I thought the news and current events were pretty damn crazy before the tragic and sad death of Michael Jackson, but wow … nothing will ever top the news from June 25th. And even with MJ ruling all cable and news shows 24/7, I would be remiss to not feature him this week. While he has so many amazing, classic songs – he has almost as many mashups, it was very hard to pick just one. But I chose one featuring Britney Spears (courtesy of POMATIC) because it seems to say so much, and the pararells between these two won’t go unnoticed. We all want more & more from our pop stars, almost to the point of killing them – or them slowly killing themselves. From the enablers to the drugs to the pressure of the press that picks them clean like vultures, I hope Michael’s finally found his much-deserved peace.
† Listen to Billie, Gimme More [.mp3 5.1mb] †
Enjoy – DJ Paul V.
Bootie LA | Dragstrip 66 | Neon Noise | The Smash Mix
PS It’s Bootie LA at The Echoplex this Saturday, July 4th. If you’re looking for some mashup fireworks on the dance floor, come join us! I’m spinning along with special guest DJ Shyboy, R.A.I.D. has another amazing dance routine at Midnight, and we’ll be featuring plenty of fantastic mashes featuring Michael Jackson through the night.