At the Golden Globes, you probably remember that Tina Fey made a crack about how Taylor Swift needed to stay away from Michael J. Fox‘s son, Sam Fox. I’m guessing she called dibs or something? You must honor the dibs. Always. Anyway, Vulture caught up with Michael after the show to get his thoughts on the matter, and surprise! He wants Taylor to stay as far away from his son as possible.
“No. No … Just back off,” he told us. “I don’t keep up with it all,” he said. “But Taylor Swift writes songs about everybody she goes out with, right?” Right! “What a way to build a career.” So if Swift showed up to a Fox family dinner (possibly wearing her fox sweater), how would he react? “I wouldn’t even know who she was,” he said. But it’d probably dawn on him after the breakup song hit the radio. “Yeah, exactly,” he said. “‘Sam, You Piece of Shit.’ Oh … that was the girl you brought home!”
Just putting this out there, but if you’re well into adulthood and you’re still burning through boyfriends like you’re still in middle school? And then you right angry breakup songs like you’re still in middle school? That right there should probably tip you off that you’re in an arrested development and that you never matured beyond the age of fourteen. Also: You just got dissed by Michael J. Fox, and he’s like the nicest guy ever. You have to be a colossal douche to get smacked down by Marty McFly.